Margaret is HOME: she went home Sunday, Sept. 16th. She is in pain, walking with a walker, and has a wonderfully positive attitude. The physical therapist came to the house today to assess what they can do at home with therapy. Keep Margaret and her family in your prayers!
Update: Saturday, Sept. 15th, 7:30pm
Good news!!! Margaret is going home Sunday!! This is good news. She is still in pain of course, but doing well in her physical therapy. They will be sending someone out to the house to continue physical therapy, and a nurse will come out as well. John has moved her bedroom upstairs on the main floor so she will not have to do stairs and everything will be closer for her. We continue to remember Margaret and her family in our prayers.
Update: Friday, Sept. 14th, 11pm. After 1 week Margaret is doing well. She is in the transitional unit of St. Mary's and is doing therapy 2 times a day. She is still of course in pain, but is sticking with her therapy like a trooper. Cindy has gone home after being at the hospital day and night. Remember Margaret in your prayers. She possibly can have therapy done 3 times a week with someone coming to the house - so this is good news.
Update: Friday, 6:00pm. Margaret is doing well. She is in lots of pain, but they expected that. She has been up walking out in the hall and has a remarkable attitude! They have mentioned her going home on Sunday, depending on how she is doing. Cindy is still there taking good care of her, so that is a blessing.
Update: Friday, 9:30am. Margaret has had a lot of pain and nausea thru the night and this morning. Cindy is staying with her and said that she is dozing in and out with medication.
Update: Thursday, 6pm. Margaret is in a room and in pain, but is already up and walked to the door! She is chipper and probably almost ready to run down the hall! Cindy is there and spending the night if anyone wants to call and check up on Margaret. If anyone has another update please email me and I'll put it on the blog.
She is in St. Mary's Tower room 318. Phone # 545-6318.
Update: Thursday, 11am. Surgery is over and went very well. The doctor was able to do exactly what he wanted to do and she is headed to recovery. Surgery must have started before 10am - but this is very good news!
Update: Thursday, 10am. Margaret's surgery started at 10am and should be a 2 hour surgery.